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Integrate with your accounting or ERP system

Automatically create/update projects in TonicDM when they are added or changed in your accounting or ERP system.

Updated over a year ago

This article is intended for IT professionals at large firms.

TonicDM provides a quick and flexible way to automatically create and update projects.

Implementing this system requires an accounting or ERP system that can automatically send an email each time a new project is created.

  • Deltek Vision®, Deltek Vantagepoint® and Microsoft Dynamics® include this as a standard feature.

  • Setting this up in Deltek Ajera® will consume one Ajera® license.

  • BST® requires customization (contact BST® for a quote).

  • Unanet A/E® (Clearview) has a pre-configured Action for TonicDM available in their Marketplace.

  • Creating projects manually takes only a couple of minutes, so smaller customers who generate only a few project numbers per week (for example customers using Quickbooks®) perform project creation manually.

  • If your organization has created its own system for initiating new projects (for example using PowerShell®), it will be relatively simple to extend that system to also create and update projects in TonicDM.



TonicDM allows you to send us new or updated project information by email. When we receive a correctly formatted email our system will immediately create or update that project in your TonicDM account.

The email must be sent to a specific email address at TonicDM. Contact TonicDM Support for your organization's unique email address.

The subject and body of the email must be formatted in a specific way. There are two options: "Single Project" format and "Multi Project" format. TonicDM accepts either format, but in general Single Project format works best for Vision® and Multi Project format works best for Ajera®. See below for instructions.

Once you have implemented this system you can turn off the ability for staff to manually create projects. Please contact TonicDM Support about this.

Also Notifying the Project Team

Many firms already send an email to relevant staff members when a new project is created. It's possible you could simply add the special TonicDM email address to the list of recipients and adjust the wording in the email body to match TonicDM's requirements, and then that existing staff notification email would also create the project in TonicDM.

Note: People in the To field will become Executives on the team. People in the CC field will be added as team members.

How To Create Projects in TonicDM via Email

Put the special email address in either the To or CC field.
Put "New Project" in the subject.

Single Project format (works best for Vision® and Vantagepoint®) use the following template for the body.

Project Number: your firm's project number
Project (Long) Name: the full official name of the project
Project (Short) Name: the friendly name used by staff in the office
Office: for firms with multiple offices: the name of your office managing this project (it must match a "location" in TonicDM)
Locked: Yes (if not present, the default is No)

Project Type: one of Marketing, Production, Overhead, Test

Multi Project format (works best for Ajera®) use the following template for the body.

Project Number

Project (Long) Name

Project (Short) Name




your firm's project number

the full official name of the project

the friendly name used by staff in the office

the office managing this project

your firm's project number

the full official name of the project

the friendly name used by staff in the office

the office managing this project

All fields in the body are optional, except Project (Long) Name

You can add additional text to the subject of the email (as long as it begins with "New Project"), and you can add additional text into the body of the email (as long as the lines shown above exist). This allows you to craft a single email that is suitable to be sent to the project team and TonicDM.

A Note on Specifying Executives and Staff

Deltek® Vision® can't add email addresses to the body of the email.

  • In order to add Executives to the project put the person/role in the "To" field of the email alert.

  • In order to add staff as team members, put their role in the "CC" field of the email alert.

Deltek® Ajera® can't add people to the To/CC of the email based on their project role, however a formula can be written in the Widget Base to create a column which includes the email address of the Project Manager and Principal in Charge (separated by a space). This column can be named Executives: and it will be included in the [Row Data].

Example Email (Single Project format)


Subject: New Project: Springfield Bank

Hi Team,
The project you requested has been created!

Project Number: 18-021
Project (Long) Name: Bank of the South Processing Center, Springfield

This is the friendly name. Please let accounting know if you want it changed.
Project (Short) Name: Springfield Bank

How To Update Projects

Updating projects uses the same technique as New Project above. This is typically used when your project numbering changes between project phases and you want to change the project number in TonicDM so the data to remain with the project. You can also change projects between Active and Inactive, and add/remove team members and executives.

Put the special email address in either the To or CC field.
Put "Change Project" in the subject.

Single Project format (works best for Vision® Vantagepoint®) use the following template for the body.

Existing Project Number: your firm's existing project number
Project Number: the updated project number

Project (Long) Name: the updated official name

Project (Short) Name: the updated friendly name

Office: the updated office

Status: either Active or Inactive (Dormant is interpreted as Inactive)

Locked: Yes (if not present, the default is No)

Project Type: one of Marketing, Production, Overhead, Test

Multi Project format (works best for Ajera®) use the following template for the body.

Note: the column headings do not end with a :

Existing Project Number

Project Number

Project (Long) Name

Project (Short) Name



your firm's existing project number

your firm's new project number

the new official name of the project

the new friendly name

updated office managing this project

your firm's existing project number

your firm's new project number

the new official name of the project

the new friendly name

updated office managing this project

All fields in the body are optional, except Existing Project Number which is required in order to know which project in TonicDM to change.

Depreciated: Opportunities / Marketing Projects

The subject of the email must begin with “New Marketing #”.

The following lines should appear in the body:

Marketing Number: the number your firm uses for the opportunity

Opportunity Name: the full name of the opportunity project [required]

Office: for firms with multiple offices: the name of your office managing this project (it must match a "location" in TonicDM)


Marketing Number: 18-021M

Opportunity Name: Southern Medical, Springfield

Office: San Francisco

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