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Collaborator Instructions

Getting started as a participant in a TonicDM project.

Updated over a year ago

These instructions are for people who collaborate with an organization that uses TonicDM

Each organization participating in a project views the information from their own point of view. As a participant, you will only see the items that were sent to you.


When first starting a collaboration, log into using your business email address. If you haven't logged in before, you'll be asked to confirm your email address and then set a password.


On the home page of TonicDM, you will see a list of projects with items that have been issued to you.


Click on a project name and TonicDM will open that project information. From here you will see tabs for Files, CA and Team. Items sent to you will appear in these tabs and you'll be able to respond to them.

Project settings can be adjusted under the Project Settings Wheel icon.


You are now set up to participate in the project! If you need assistance, please contact us using the ? in the top right of the TonicDM software.

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