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Setting Up SSO with Google

This article is for IT professionals who wish to connect TonicDM to their enterprise Google Identity.

Updated over a year ago

How To

1. Add a Custom SAML App

2. Enter a name and logo for the TonicDM within your environment

For the App name, type TonicDM.
For the logo, paste this text as the filename:

3. Send the required information to TonicDM

TonicDM Support will input this on their side.

4. Add TonicDM's Service Provider Details

5. Map the 3 Required Attributes

The 4 attributes shown are required by TonicDM: firstName, lastName, email, displayName.

Additional attributes you can choose to send are: jobTitle, telephoneNumber, city, streetAddress. If you'd like TonicDM to enter these values in the user's TonicDM profile, Add Mapping in Google and choose the Google attribute you'd like to send for that TonicDM value.

6. Turn it On

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